Visual Design for a Scholarly Paper Presentation - Presentation and Video

  • Client: NYU Steinhardt - Educational Communication and Technology - Thesis Expo 2023
  • Software: Camtasia Studio, Photopia Creator and Adobe Photoshop
  • Categories: eLearning development, instructional design, interactive learning

Created using Camtasia Studio as the main holder of all final video elements, and Google Slides for the final presentation. Photopia Creator was used to develop portions of the video in parts where Camtasia doesn't provide the desired visual effects. This project required the design of visuals for a presentation on a scholarly paper, containing a systematic literature review of research on the matter of cults, negative influence, DEI and metacognition.

The visual identity that I created for my final presentation transforms the construct of toxic belonging into an abstracted window through which to explore the construct: an intersection of metacognition, influence and DEIB. The result is a visual representation that expresses the researched and analyzed literature that resulted in the construct of Toxic Belonging.

For the Expo, I also created a poster utilizing the same opening image as the attention grabbing visual, with a QR code to the video that ties up the image to its context. The selection of images and videos is meant to amplify the visual voice and position of the subject matter for a modern and general audience.

Personality and adaptiveness were set as the foundations of the presentation identity that stands apart: carefully selected typefaces, a black background, and a bold take on bright colors to balance character and sophistication to create visual variation throughout different touchpoints of the video and presentation.

Video Opening Image

The video opens with an annonymous quote to provide mood and catch interest.

Use of Tom Violence Font for Emphasis

A different font (Tom Violence) and color were selected for the word Toxic, to emphasize the meaning of the word.

Visual Representation of Events

I provided visual representations of the problem statement.

Photopia Creator Images

I used the features of Photopia Creator to create and place a collage of images and video to complement the narration that establishes the relevance of addressing the problem.

Visual Depiction of Harmful Groups

With the exception of NXIVM, the visual rpresentations of harmful groups are inspired by groups that have proven to cause harm to people, but the actual images are not of real people or groups. I recreated the style that some harmful groups use, but for legal reasons, I did not include names of existing destructive groups or people (except for NXIVM, whose leader was conviceted of crimes within his group).

Visual Depiction of Harmful Groups

My cameo. I intervene to provide viewers a "mind break" from all the animations and graphics.

Use of Deepfakes and Artificially Produced Media

I provided visual examples of artifically produced media and deepfakes. The use of USA Presidents is useful to cater a general audience.

Venn Diagram of the Systematic Literature Review

The organization of the systematic literature review is presented in the form of a Venn Diagram that intersects the different aspects of the analysis. It also demonstrates the role of technology on each one of the presented areas of study.

Before and After Negative Influence

Descriptive imagery was used to depict the effects of negative influence provided by harmful groups. This visual describes the use of online games for malicious purposes.

The Poster

Toxic Belonging - Expo Poster

For the Expo, I used the same graphic design and branding of the video to create a cohesive look and feel for the presentation.

The Presentation

For the Expo presentatio, I used the video and created slides that contain the same images for cohesiveness.